No, I'm not talking about Martians--I'm referring to the little green things popping up all over my garden. The sugar snap peas are delicious; next year I'll know to plant more. My tomatoes seem to be doing well. The cabbage--well, we tried. Same with the lettuce and the spinach. I might be able to get one or two salads out of my garden, but we'll have to wait and see. the kohlrabi, fennel, and carrots are still too early to tell. The peppers---don't ask. But it sure has been interesting watching things grow and what didn't grow so well. I wanted to start off small and I think I chose a decent location; next year I'm already planning where to put another bed.
I suffered a minor set back recently when I went to the ER and was admitted with a case of pneumonia. I spent a couple days in the hospital hooked up to an IV. I lost some weight but now have been eating like I'm famished; I guess in a way I was. My potassium levels were low so I've been trying to eat foods high in potassium to make up for it.
So that's what's been happening in my world. I hope the month of June is good to you.