Sorry I haven't posted on here in so long--I tore the cartilage in my knee back in August and have been off work since then--had surgery on Sept. 7th. but for some reason, the insurance hasn't approved my physical therapy--so my knee is still sore but I can walk OK, just can't walk very fast or too far. Such is life.
Today is the first day of Autumn and a full moon as well. This has always been my favorite time of year. When the first frost comes and the leaves are falling from the trees, there is a feeling of sadness yet expectancy in the air. I'm still getting cherry tomatoes from my garden and I'm waiting for the peppers to turn red. I planted some fall lettuce and spinach; hopefully it'll do better than it did last spring.
As I've become more eco-conscious I find myself doing things differently than I used to. I've been using baking soda, followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse, on my hair and it leaves my hair soft and shiny. I've been buying more clothes from resale shops and eating less meat (especially since I'm not eating at work). I wash all my clothes and linens in cold water--would hang them out to dry but I have so many trees in my yard that the birds would probably mess them up. I've been trying to shop at the farmer's market on Saturdays but there are still times when I get tired of eating at home so I eat out. It gets kind of boring cooking for one (not counting the cooking I do for Boxer).
I hope I can return to work soon. It's been nice to be off, but enough is enough. I hope you have a wonderful autumn, full of pumpkins and apples and hikes through the woods. 'Tis truly the golden season.