I've been reading lately about mindfulness, the quality or state of being aware of you and your surroundings at all times. Mindfulness is important because we spend so much time living in the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness takes us out of our distracted mind and puts us where it really matters--the here and now, this present moment. It sounds easy but is really quite difficult. It's hard to sit still with one's thoughts, especially when your mind is going a mile a minute. But when you do, it's amazing some of the insights that you gain. Not all of them are pleasant but at least being mindful takes hot issues off the back burner and puts them up front where you may better deal with them. Why a picture of Boxer to accompany this post? Because dogs are masters of living in the moment-the past?Huh? The future? What? Hey, there goes the neighbor dog walking down the street--I'll have to bark to get his attention! Rowf, rowf, hey, it's starting to rain. Rain is wet. Hmm, it's not fun to get rained on but---gee, there she comes up the driveway! Time for supper! Oh, what a wonderful thing, supper! I like to eat! Here she comes in the door--I'll have to bark to get her attention! Rowf, rowf!
Have a great day.
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