Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Whew!!! It's been a long time since I last checked in. I was very sick with asthma/bronchitis a while back and just wasn't feeling very well for several months. But now I'm back up to speed. My garden didn't do very well this year due to an excessively wet spring and a hot, dry summer. I'm almost finished painting my living room and I need to get started on Christmas gifts. I got a new computer (a storm killed the Apple computer that my brother gave me after my original bit the dust). Boxer turned thirteen in May and Koko is eighteen. I don't even want to think about my birthday in January. I don't even want to think about winter--that means snow! I like the snow, but I'm in no hurry for it. Today was a mild day, rather windy, and I saw a sundog this evening so I know the weather is going to change. I hope you're having good weather, wherever you are.